Keep the Vision - Habakkuk (Part 2 of 2)

March 26, 2021

In Part 1 earlier this week, I talked about reading the whole book of Habakkuk and about this prophet’s active choice in Habakkuk 3:18 to JOY in the God of my salvation, even in the face of adversity of the most acute kind. But, there is something else in Habakkuk that speaks to our focus and how that supports our ability to maintain our JOY.

Then the Lord answered me and said:
“Write the vision
And make it plain on tablets,
That he may run who reads it.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry.

Habakkuk 2:2-3

Do you have a vision statement? For your work? For your family? For your life? Is it written down? Is it in front of your eyes every day? If you are thinking you do not need a vision statement, remember that verses 2 and 3 are the advice of the Lord God. The Lord doesn’t give bad advice. It is sometimes hard, but never for your harm and only for your good.

A vision statement is the future you would create if you met all your goals. It is the future outcome of your decision making and all the actions you are taking today. The Lord says to have a vision. Make it plain and easy to read. A vision statement frames your life and puts your daily activities into context. What am I doing today to advance my vision? 

Why is a plain vision statement important to maintaining JOY? It doesn’t matter what else is going on around you (COVID-19, cancer, fear, depression, etc.), my vision statement will guide my thought life and actions that day. A vision looks forward, beyond the current. All I have to do is hold it and work it. The Lord will work with me to bring about the final end. 

When I look at my vision statement, it strengthens me for the day. The determination to take another step rises up in me. I suddenly feel useful. There is JOY in accomplishing something, no matter how small, in line with my vision. It gives me hope in the future and strength for today. 

If you do not have a vision statement, pray about it and write it down. Take this to the Lord in prayer. Ask Him what His vision is for your life. Just because you can’t see it right now doesn’t mean that it is a useless pipe dream. If the Lord helped you write it, He will help you bring it to fruition.

How important is a vision? Consider Proverbs 29:18 (KJV):

18 Where there is no vision, the people perish…

The strength to put one foot in front of the other each day comes from our ability to cultivate and maintain our JOY in the face of whatever we face today. Let’s take the Lord’s advice. Write a vision. Make it plain. Keep it before your eyes. Amen.

If you missed it, go back and read “JOY is a Verb (Habakkuk - Part 1)here. And be blessed!


Producing the Fruit of Joy with Your Thought Life


JOY is a Verb - Habakkuk (Part 1 of 2)