Reading Recommendation - God Leads the Humble by Tanya Washington

February 15, 2020

When Pastor Tanya Washington introduced her newest Kingdom Kids book, God Leads the Humble, I was a little surprised that she considered teaching little children about humility important enough to write a children’s book on the subject. In this day and age, there is an emphasis on building children’s self-esteem, and I guess in my head I saw that teaching children to be humble and teaching them to have high self-esteem were opposites. But really, they complement each other. Self-esteem is a confidence on one’s own worth or abilities. It is self-respect. To be humble is to have a modest estimate of one’s own importance. Humble is not self-doubt. Humble is looking at the big picture and seeing there is always room to learn and grow.

A person who has confidence in their worth or abilities is not trying to impress anyone. They just have self-respect. A humble person is not trying to impress anyone either. They know there are people who are more skilled at something than they are and they are willing to watch and learn from others so as to become still better and more confident themselves. I often advise people at my day job that no matter what you do or how high you get in the organization, you have to stay teachable.

The humble He guides in justice, and the humble He teaches His way. Psalm 25:9 (NKJV)

God needs self-confident people who are humble enough to listen and to learn. And that is what Pastor Tanya is trying to convey to children in her book. Pride is a real stumbling block. I see its ugly results in the workplace all the time. It is a costly problem for the company and for the individual caught in it. I am becoming more and more aware that when I am offended or I am in a conflict with someone, pride is usually the culprit. Pastor Tanya is right: it is never too early to teach children about walking humbly with their God! Her latest book is now available and can be purchased at Tanya’s Creative Corner through this link:


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