The Lent Challenge

February 8, 2020

If you bought Four Weeks, but have struggled to start or finish reading it, I totally get it. We have busy lives, and Four Weeks is not as easy to digest as the latest political meme on Facebook or Inside Addition with Deborah Norville. However, I know many of you give up an unproductive habit or take up a new practice during Lent. That may include more prayer or reading to develop your faith and your relationship with God. 

Consider using Lent as an opportunity to dust off or dig out your copy of Four Weeks. There are discussion questions in the book’s appendix for your personal reflection or for group discussions. This is a scripture-dense book, and one of my hopes is that reading the scriptures throughout the book will encourage you to dig deeper into your Bible.

My daughter and I do not live near each other, but we read books together. We get the same book and agree to read certain chapters. Then, we call each other or Skype and talk about the content and any discussion questions the book may have. It is a great way to encourage each other, and to finally read that book I bought two years ago! 

Lent is just a few weeks away on February 26, 2020. Dig out Four Weeks and take another swing at it. If you don’t own a copy or need other copies to give to your reading partner(s), you can buy one through our shop. Use the discount code LENT2020 at checkout for free shipping on all orders from now until March 1, 2020!  I hope you are blessed and encouraged by it!


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